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Hitachi, MAHSC and NWEH partnership continues

NorthWest EHealth in collaboration with Hitachi Ltd and the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre are launching pilot NHS project to target lifestyle interventions at people who are at risk of developing type II diabetes.  The pilot will use a cutting edge information platform jointly developed between NWEH and Hitachi Ltd to support the NHS in delivering enhanced localised models of care.

Empowering people to actively participate in the management of their own health and make lifestyle changes is key to preventing long term conditions like type II diabetes.

The NHS currently spends about £14bn on treatment for type II diabetes and related conditions, such as eye and coronary problems. It is hoped that the project will identify how preventative measures can reduce this significantly.

“In the context of the UK’s growing and ageing population with increasingly complex health conditions, data is vital to enable NHS commissioners to make informed decisions about how to allocate limited resources in the most effective manner. Hitachi will work in partnership with key stakeholders in the health economy to develop an approach which enables improved targeting of patients and better monitoring of their care through intelligent data management in a safe and secure environment.”
Mark Hill, Vice President of Business Intelligence and Analytics at Hitachi Consulting

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